Special Awards
Vince Tamura Outstanding Junior Competitor and Masato Tamura Outstanding Senior Competitor. The Outstanding Competitors will receive a custom engraved bowl and a Mizuno Yusho Judogi from Hatashita Sports. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place team awards based on 3 points for first, 2 points for second, and 1 point for third place in all divisions combined. No points awarded for uncontested divisions.
Juniors 75 USD
Juniors - 2nd Division 75 USDif you are competing in a 2nd junior division
Juniors Novice 75 USD
Juniors Novice - 2nd Division 75 USDOnly if you are competing in a 2nd junior novice division
Veterans (30 & over) 75 USD
Senior Novice (below brown belt) 75 USD
Senior Novice (below brown belt) - 2nd Division 75 USDOnly if you are competing in a 2nd senior novice division
Senior Elite 125 USD