Bracket Release Schedule
Brackets with match assignments for Session 1 (Juniors and Veterans) will be posted on Thursday, 11/17 at 5PM CST.
Brackets with match assignments for Session2 (Senior Elite an Senior Novice) will be posted with numbered matches by Midnight on Friday 11/18. Multiply your match number by 3 (minutes) to estimate your match time. Arrive at your assigned mat at least 60 minutes prior to the estimated time. Competitors will be responsible for being at their assigned mat and ready to compete when their match number is called.
Juniors 75 USD
Juniors - 2nd Division 75 USDif you are competing in a 2nd junior division
Juniors Novice 75 USD
Juniors Novice - 2nd Division 75 USDOnly if you are competing in a 2nd junior novice division
Veterans (30 & over) 75 USD
Senior Novice (below brown belt) 75 USD
Senior Novice (below brown belt) - 2nd Division 75 USDOnly if you are competing in a 2nd senior novice division
Senior Elite 125 USD